Skip to main content v0.4.1-alpha

Β· 2 min read
Luke Kim
Founder and CEO of Spice AI

Announcing the release of v0.4.1-alpha! βœ…

This point release focuses on fixes and improvements to v0.4-alpha. Highlights include AI engine performance improvements, updates to the dashboard observations data grid, notification of new CLI versions, and several bug fixes.

A special acknowledgment to @Adm28, who added the CLI upgrade detection and prompt, which notifies users of new CLI versions and prompts to upgrade.

CLI upgrade prompt

Highlights in v0.4.1-alpha​

AI engine performance improvements​

Overall training performance has been improved up to 13% by removing a lock in the AI engine.

In versions before v0.4.1-alpha, performance was especially impacted when streaming new data during a training run.

Dashboard Observations Datagrid​

The dashboard observations datagrid now automatically resizes to the window width, and headers are easier to read, with automatic grouping into dataspaces. In addition, column widths are also resizable.

CLI version detection and upgrade prompt​

When it is run, the CLI will now automatically check for new CLI versions once a day maximum.

If it detects a new version, it will print a notification to the console on spice version, spice run or spice add commands prompting the user to upgrade using the new spice upgrade command.

New in this release​

  • Adds automatic resizing of the observations datagrid.
  • Adds header group by dataspace to the observations datagrid.
  • Adds CLI version detection and prompt for upgrade on version, run, and add commands.
  • Adds Support for parsing hex-encoded times and measurements. Use the time_format of hex or prefix with 0x.
  • Updates AI engine with improved training performance.
  • Updates Go and NPM dependencies.
  • Fixes detection of Spicepods in the Spicepods directory, and a resulting error when loading a non-Spicepod file.
  • Fixes a potential "zip slip" security issue.
  • Fixes an issue where the AI engine may not gracefully shutdown.


Community​ started with the vision to make AI easy for developers. We are building in the open and with the community. Reach out on Discord or by email to get involved. We will also be starting a community call series soon!'s approach to Time-Series AI

Β· 5 min read
Corentin Risselin
Software Engineer at Spice AI

The project strives to help developers build applications that leverage new AI advances which can be easily trained, deployed, and integrated. A previous blog post introduced Spicepods: a declarative way to create AI applications with technology. While there are many libraries and platforms in the space, is focused on time-series data aligning to application-centric and frequently time-dependent data, and a Reinforcement Learning approach, which can be more developer-friendly than expensive, labeled supervised learning.

This post will discuss some of the challenges and directions for the technology we are developing.

Time Series​

Time Series processing visualization: a time window is usually chosen to process part of the data stream Figure 1. Time Series processing visualization: a time window is usually chosen to process part of the data stream

Time series AI has become more popular over recent years, and there is extensive literature on the subject, including time-series-focused neural networks. Research in this space points to the likelihood that there is no silver bullet, and a single approach to time series AI will not be sufficient. However, for developers, this can make building a product complex, as it comes with the challenge of exploring and evaluating many algorithms and approaches.

A fundamental challenge of time series is the data itself. The shape and length are usually variable and can even be infinite (real-time streams of data). The volume of data required is often too much for simple and efficient machine learning algorithms such as Decision Trees. This challenge makes Deep Learning popular to process such data. There are several types of neural networks that have been shown to work well with time series so let's review some of the common classes:

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): CNN's can only accept data with fixed lengths: even with the ability to pad the data, this is a major drawback for time-series data as a specific time window needs to be decided. Despite this limitation, they are the most efficient network to train (computation, data needed, time) and usually the smallest storage. CNN's are very robust and used in image/video processing, making them a very good baseline to start with while also benefiting from refined and mature development over the years, such as with the very efficient MobileNet with depth-wise convolutions.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): RNNs have been researched for several decades, and while they aren't as fast to train as CNNs, they can be faster to apply as there is no need to feed a time window like CNNs if the desired input/output is in real-time (in a continuous fashion, also called 'online). RNNs are proven to be very good in some situations, and many new models are being discovered.
  • Transformers: Most of the state-of-the-art results today have been made from transformers and their variations. They are very good at correlating sparse information. Popularized in the famous paper Attention is all you need, transformers are proven to be flexible with high-performance in many classes (Vision Transformers, Perceiver, etc.). They suffer the same limitation as CNNs for the length of their input (fixed at training time), but they also have a disadvantage of not scaling well with the size of the data (quadratic growth with the length of the time series). They are also the most expensive network to train in general.

While not a complete representation of classes of neural networks, this list represents the areas of the most potential for's time-series AI technology. We also see other interesting paradigms to explore when improving the core technology like Memory Augmented Neural Networks (MANN) or neural network-based Genetical Algorithms.

Reinforcement Learning​

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has grown steadily, especially in fields like robotics. Usually, RL doesn't require as much data processing as Supervised Learning, where large datasets can be demanding for hardware and people alike. RL is more dynamic: agents aren't trained to replicate a specific behaviors/output but explore and 'exploit' their environment to maximize a given reward.

Most of today's research is based on environments the agent can interact with during the training process, known as online learning. Usually, efficient training processes have multiple agent/environment pairs training together and sharing their experiences. Having an environment for agents to interact enables different actions from the actual historical state known as on-policy learning, and using only past experiences without an environment is off-policy learning.

AI training without interacting with the environment Figure 2. AI training without interacting with the environment (real world nor simulation). Only gathered data is used for training. is initially taking an off-policy approach, where an environment (either pre-made or given by the user) is not required. Despite limiting the exploration of agents, this aligns to an application-centric approach as:

  • Creating a real-world model or environment can be difficult and expensive to create, arguably even impossible.
  • Off-policy learning is normally more efficient than on-policy (time/data and computation).

The approach to time series AI can be described as 'Data-Driven' Reinforcement Learning. This domain is very exciting, and we are building upon excellent research that is being published. The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research's blog shows the potential of this field and many other research entities that have made great discoveries like DeepMind, Open AI, Facebook AI and Google AI (among many others). We are inspired and are building upon all the research in Reinforcement Learning to develop core technology.

If you are interested in Reinforcement Learning, we recommend following these blogs, and if you'd like to partner with us on the mission of making it easier to build intelligent applications by leveraging RL, we invite you to discuss with us on Discord, reach out on Twitter or email us.


Teaching Apps how to Learn with Spicepods

Β· 5 min read
Luke Kim
Founder and CEO of Spice AI

The last post in this series, Making Apps that Learn and Adapt, described the shift from building AI/ML solutions to building apps that learn and adapt. But, how does the app learn? And as a developer, how do I teach it what it should learn?

With, we teach the app how to learn using a Spicepod.

Imagine you own a restaurant. You created a menu, hired staff, constructed the kitchen and dining room, and got off to a great start when it first opened. However, over the years, your customers' tastes changed, you've had to make compromises on ingredients, and there's a hot new place down the street... business is stagnating, and you know that you need to make some changes to stay competitive.

You have a few options. First, you could gather all the data, such as customer surveyss, seasonal produce metrics, and staff performance profiles. You may even hire outside consultants. You then take this data to your office, and after spending some time organizing, filtering, and collating it, you've discovered an insight! Your seafood dishes sell poorly and cost the most... you are losing money! You spend several weeks or months perfecting a new menu, which you roll out with much fanfare! And then… business is still poor. What!? How could this be? It was a data-driven approach! You start the process again. While this approach is a worthy option, it has long latency from data to learning to implementation.

Another option is to build real-time learning and adaption directly into the restaurant. Imagine a staff member whose sole job was learning and adapting how the restaurant should operate; lets name them Blue. You write a guide for Blue that defines certain goal metrics, like customer food ratings, staff happiness, and of course, profit. Blue tracks each dish served, from start to finish, from who prepared it to its temperature, its costs, and its final customer taste rating. Blue not only learns from each customer review as each dish is consumed but also how dish preparation affects other goal metrics, like profitability. The restaurant staff consults Blue to determine any adjustments to improve goal metrics as they work. The latency from data to learning, to adaption, has been reduced, from weeks or months to minutes. This option, of course, is not feasible for most restaurants, but software applications can use this approach. Blue and his instructions are analogous to the runtime and manifest.

In the model, developers teach the app how to learn by describing goals and rewarding its actions, much like how a parent might teach a child. As these rewards are applied in training, the app learns what actions maximize its rewards towards the defined goals.

Returning to the restaurant example, you can think of the runtime as Blue, and Spicepod manifests as the guide on how Blue should learn. Individual staff members would consult with Blue for ongoing recommendations on decisions to make and how to act. These goals and rewards are defined in Spicepods or "pods" for short. Spicepods are packages of configuration that describe the application's goals and how it should learn from data. Although it's not a direct analogy, Spicepods and their manifests can be conceptualized similar to Docker containers and Dockerfiles. In contrast, Dockerfiles define the packaging of your app, Spicepods specify the packaging of your app's learning and data.

Anatomy of a Spicepod

A Spicepod consists of:

  • A required YAML manifest that describes how the pod should learn from data
  • Optional seed data
  • Learned model/state
  • Performance telemetry and metrics

Developers author Spicepods using the spice CLI command such as with spice pod init <name> or simply by creating a manifest file such as mypod.yaml in the spicepods directory of their application.

Here's an example of the Tweet Recommendation Quickstart Spicepod manifest.


A screenshot of the Spicepod manifest for the Tweet Recommendation Quickstart

You can see the data definitions under dataspaces, the actions the application may take under actions, and their rewards when training.

In the next post, I'll walk through in detail each section of the pod manifest. In the meantime, you can review the documentation for a complete reference of the Spicepod manifest syntax.

Spicepods as packages

On disk, Spicepods are generally layouts of a manifest file, seed data, and trained models, but they can also be exported as zipped packages.


A screenshot of the Spicepod layout for the trader quickstart application

When the runtime exports a Spicepod using the spice export command, it is saved with a .spicepod extension. It can then be shared, archived, or imported into another instance of the runtime.

Soon, we also expect to enable publishing of .spicepods to, from where community-created Spicepods can easily be added to your application using spice add <pod name> (currently, only Spice AI published pods are available on

Treating Spicepods as packages and enabling their sharing and distribution through will help developers share their "restaurant guides" and build upon each other's work, much like they do with or In this way, developers can together build better and more intelligent applications.

In the next post, we'll dive deeper into authoring a Spicepod manifest to create an intelligent application. Follow @spice_ai on Twitter to get an update when we post.

If you haven't already, read the next the first post in the series, Making Apps that Learn and Adapt.

Learn more and contribute​

Building intelligent apps that leverage AI is still way too hard, even for advanced developers. Our mission is to make this as easy as creating a modern web page. If the vision resonates with you, join us!

Our Roadmap is public, and now that we have launched, the project and work are open for collaboration.

If you are interested in partnering, we'd love to talk. Try out, email us "hey," get in touch on Discord, or reach out on Twitter.

We are just getting started! πŸš€

Luke v0.4-alpha

Β· 4 min read
Phillip LeBlanc
Co-Founder and CTO of Spice AI

We are excited to announce the release of v0.4-alpha! πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ

Highlights include support for authoring reward functions in a code file, the ability to specify the time of recommendation, and ingestion support for transaction/correlation ids. Authoring reward functions in a code file is a significant improvement to the developer experience than specifying functions inline in the YAML manifest, and we are looking forward to your feedback on it!

If you are new to, check out the getting started guide and star spiceai/spiceai on GitHub.

Highlights in v0.4-alpha​

Upgrade using spice upgrade​

The spice upgrade command was added in the v0.3.1-alpha release, so you can now upgrade from v0.3.1 to v0.4 by simply running spice upgrade in your terminal. Special thanks to community member @Adm28 for contributing this feature!

Reward Function Files​

In addition to defining reward code inline, it is now possible to author reward code in functions in a separate Python file.

The reward function file path is defined by the reward_funcs property.

A function defined in the code file is mapped to an action by authoring its name in the with property of the relevant reward.


- reward: buy
with: buy_reward
- reward: sell
with: sell_reward
- reward: hold
with: hold_reward

Learn more in the documentation:

Time Categories​ can now learn from cyclical patterns, such as daily, weekly, or monthly cycles.

To enable automatic cyclical field generation from the observation time, specify one or more time categories in the pod manifest, such as a month or weekday in the time section.

For example, by specifying month the engine automatically creates a field in the AI engine data stream called time_month_{month} with the value calculated from the month of which that timestamp relates.


- month
- dayofweek

Supported category values are: month dayofmonth dayofweek hour

Learn more in the documentation:

Get recommendation for a specific time​

It is now possible to specify the time of recommendations fetched from the /recommendation API.

Valid times are from pod epoch_time to epoch_time + period.

Previously the API only supported recommendations based on the time of the last ingested observation.

Requests are made in the following format: GET http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/pods/{pod}/recommendation?time={unix_timestamp}

An example for quickstarts/trader

GET http://localhost:8000/api/v0.1/pods/trader/recommendation?time=1605729600

Specifying {unix_timestamp} as 0 will return a recommendation based on the latest data. An invalid {unix_timestamp} will return a result that has the valid time range in the error message:

"response": {
"result": "invalid_recommendation_time",
"message": "The time specified (1610060201) is outside of the allowed range: (1610057600, 1610060200)",
"error": true

New in this release​

  • Adds time categories configuration to the pod manifest to enable learning from cyclical patterns in data - e.g. hour, day of week, day of month, and month
  • Adds support for defining reward functions in a rewards functions code file.
  • Adds the ability to specify recommendation time making it possible to now see which action recommends at any time during the pod period.
  • Adds support for ingestion of transaction/correlation identifiers (e.g. order_id, trace_id) in the pod manifest.
  • Adds validation for invalid dataspace names in the pod manifest.
  • Adds the ability to resize columns to the dashboard observation data grid.
  • Updates to TensorFlow 2.7 and Keras 2.7
  • Fixes a bug where data processors were using data connector params
  • Fixes a dashboard issue in the pod observations data grid where a column might not be shown.
  • Fixes a crash on pod load if the training section is not included in the manifest.
  • Fixes an issue where data manager stats errors were incorrectly being printed to console.
  • Fixes an issue where selectors may not match due to surrounding whitespace.


Community​ started with the vision to make AI easy for developers. We are building in the open and with the community. Reach out on Discord or by email to get involved. We will also be starting a community call series soon!

Making Apps That Learn And Adapt

Β· 4 min read
Luke Kim
Founder and CEO of Spice AI

In the announcement blog post, we shared some of the inspiration for the project stemming from challenges in applying and integrating AI/ML into a neurofeedback application. Building upon those ideas, in this post, we explore the shift in approach from a focus of data science and machine learning (ML) to apps that learn and adapt.

As a developer, I've followed the AI/ML space with keen interest and been impressed with the advances and announcements that only seem to be increasing. recently published its 2021 report, and once again, it's been another great year of progress. At the same time, it's still more challenging than ever for mainstream developers to integrate AI/ML into their applications. For most developers, where AI/ML is not their full-time job, and without the support of a dedicated ML team, creating and developing an intelligent application that learns and adapts is still too hard.

Most solutions on the market, even those that claim they are for developers, focus on helping make ML easier instead of making it easier to build applications. These solutions have been great for advancing ML itself but have not helped developers leverage ML in their apps to make them intelligent. Even when a developer successfully integrates ML into an application, it might make that application smart, but often does not help the app continue to learn and adapt over time.

Traditionally, the industry has viewed AI/ML as separate from the application. A pipeline, service, or team is provided with data, which trains on that data, and can then provide answers or insights. These solutions are often created with a waterfall-like approach, gathering and defining requirements, designing, implementing, testing, and deploying. Sometimes this process can take months or even years.

With, we propose a new approach to building applications. By bringing AI/ML alongside your compute and data and incorporating it as part of your application, the app can incrementally adopt recommendations from the AI engine and in addition the AI engine can learn from the application's data and actions. This approach shifts from waterfall-like to agile-like, where the AI engine ingests streams of application and external data, along with the results of the application's actions, to continuously learn. This virtuous feedback cycle from the app to the AI engine and back again enables the app to get smarter and adapt over time. In this approach, building your application is developing the ML.

Being part of the application is not just conceptual. Development teams deploy the runtime and AI engine with the application as a sidecar or microservice, enabling the app services and runtime to work together and for data to be kept application local. A developer teaches the AI engine how to learn by defining application goals and rewards for actions the application takes. The AI Engine observes the application and the consequences of its actions, which feeds into its experience. As the AI engine learns, the application can adapt.


As developers shift from thinking about disparate applications and ML to building applications where AI that learns and adapts is integrated as a core part of the application logic, a new class of intelligent applications will emerge. And as technical talent becomes even more scarce, applications built this way will be necessary, not just to be competitive but to be even built at all.

In the next post, I'll discuss the concept of Spicepods, bundles of configuration that describes how the application should learn, and how the runtime hosts and uses them to help developers make applications that learn.

Learn more and contribute​

Building intelligent apps that leverage AI is still way too hard, even for advanced developers. Our mission is to make this as easy as creating a modern web page. If the vision resonates with you, join us!

Our Roadmap is public, and now that we have launched, the project and work are open for collaboration.

If you are interested in partnering, we'd love to talk. Try out, email us "hey," get in touch on Discord, or reach out on Twitter.

We are just getting started! πŸš€
