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Configure a Spice dataset.


spice dataset [command]

Available commands:

  • configure: Create/configure a dataset directly from the command-line, including customizing components such as whether to add acceleration to the connector.

Note: In order to run spice dataset configure, there must be a spicepod.yaml file in the root of your project directory. To create this file, see spice init.


  • -h, --help Print this help message


When running spice dataset configure, Spice will prompt for four inputs:

  1. The name of the dataset, labelled by (1) below.
  2. The description of the dataset, labelled by (2) below.
  3. The source of the dataset, labelled by (3) below. Consult Spice's supported data connectors to see possible values for this field. Note: Spice may prompt for a file format if necessary, as shown in the example below.
  4. Whether or not to enable acceleration for this dataset, labelled by (4). The default value for this input is y, enabling acceleration for this dataset. Learn more about acceleration in the dataset acceleration reference.
> spice dataset configure

dataset name: (spiceai) taxi-trips # (1)
description: Taxi Trips in S3 # (2)
from: s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/ # (3)
file_format (parquet/csv) (parquet) parquet
locally accelerate (y/n)? (y) y # (4)
2025/01/10 14:07:46 INFO Saved datasets/test/dataset.yaml

After execution, the directory structure looks like this for the above example:

├── datasets
│ ├── taxi-trips
│ ├── dataset.yaml
├── spicepod.yaml
└── ...

The datasets folder includes the datasets for your project configured by using spice dataset configure or added manually.

The dataset.yaml file in ./datasets/taxi-trips is configured as defined by the inputs provided to spice dataset configure. For this example, the dataset.yaml file looks as follows:

from: s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/
name: taxi-trips
description: Taxi trips in s3
- enabled: false

The command additionally updates the root spicepod.yaml file to include the configured dataset as a reference (ref). For this example, spicepod.yaml would include the following:

version: v1
kind: Spicepod
name: Taxi Trips with Spice
- ref: datasets/taxi-trips

To learn more about Spice datasets and Spicepods, visit the Spice dataset reference and Spicepod reference.