Start an interactive SQL query session against the Spice runtime
spice sql [flags]
The path to the root certificate file used to verify the Spice.ai runtime server certificate-h
Print this help message--flight-endpoint
Configure runtime Flight endpoint. Defaults to
Configure runtime HTTP endpoint. Defaults to
$ spice sql
Welcome to the Spice.ai SQL REPL! Type 'help' for help.
show tables; -- list available tables
sql> show tables
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| datafusion | public | tmp_view_test | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | tables | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | views | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | columns | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW |
Additional Example​
$ spice sql --tls-root-certificate-file /path/to/cert.pem
Welcome to the Spice.ai SQL REPL! Type 'help' for help.
show tables; -- list available tables
sql> show tables
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| datafusion | public | tmp_view_test | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | tables | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | views | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | columns | VIEW |
| datafusion | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW |