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Iceberg Catalog Connector

Connect to an Iceberg catalog provider and query Iceberg tables.


- from: iceberg:
name: ice # tables from this catalog will be available in the "ice" catalog in Spice
- "*.my_table_name" # include only the "my_table_name" tables
iceberg_token: ${secrets:iceberg_token} # Optional. Bearer token value to use for Authorization header.
iceberg_oauth2_credential: ${secrets:client_id}:${secrets:client_secret} # Optional. Credential to use for OAuth2 client credential flow when initializing the catalog. Separated by a colon as <client_id>:<client_secret>.
iceberg_oauth2_scope: catalog # Optional. Scope to use for OAuth2 client credential flow when initializing the catalog (default: catalog).
iceberg_oauth2_server_url: # Optional. URL of the OAuth2 server tokens endpoint for the client credential flow.
iceberg_s3_endpoint: http://localhost:9000 # Optional. S3-compatible endpoint where the Iceberg tables are stored.
iceberg_s3_region: us-west-2 # Optional. Region of the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_access_key_id: ${secrets:aws_access_key_id} # Optional. Access key ID for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_secret_access_key: ${secrets:aws_secret_access_key} # Optional. Secret access key for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_session_token: ${secrets:aws_session_token} # Optional. Session token for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-role # Optional. ARN of the IAM role to assume when accessing the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_role_session_name: my-session # Optional. Session name to use when assuming the IAM role.
iceberg_s3_connect_timeout: 60 # Optional. Connection timeout for the S3-compatible endpoint (default: 60).

# AWS Glue Catalog
- from: iceberg:
name: glue
iceberg_sigv4_enabled: true


The from field is used to specify the catalog provider. For Iceberg, use iceberg:<namespace_path>. The namespace_path is the URL to the Iceberg namespace in the catalog provider to load the tables from. It is formatted as http[s]://<iceberg_catalog_host>/v1/{prefix}/namespaces/<namespace_name>.

For AWS Glue catalogs, the URL format is https://glue.<region><account_id>/namespaces, where <account_id> is your AWS account ID.

The selected namespace must have sub-namespaces where the tables are stored.

Example: With this Iceberg catalog structure:

├── blockchain
│ └── eth
│ ├── blocks
│ └── transactions
├── spice
│ ├── tpch
│ │ ├── orders
│ │ └── customers
│ ├── info
│ └── extra
│ └── tpch_orders_metadata
└── unity
└── very
└── nested
└── namespace
└── foobar

A valid from value would be iceberg:, and would load the following tables:

  • <name>.tpch.orders
  • <name>.tpch.customers
  • <name>.extra.tpch_orders_metadata

For loading a multi-part namespace, separate the namespace parts with the %1F character. For example, /v1/namespaces/unity%1Fvery%1Fnested would load the foobar table from the unity/very/nested/namespace namespace as <name>.namespace.foobar.


The name field is used to specify the name of the catalog in Spice. Tables from the Iceberg catalog will be available in the schema with this name in Spice. The schema hierarchy of the external catalog is preserved in Spice.


Use the include field to specify which tables to include from the catalog. The include field supports glob patterns to match multiple tables. For example, *.my_table_name would include all tables with the name my_table_name in the catalog from any schema. Multiple include patterns are OR'ed together and can be specified to include multiple tables.


The following parameters are supported for configuring the connection to the Iceberg catalog/tables:

Parameter NameDefinition
iceberg_tokenBearer token value to use for Authorization header.
iceberg_oauth2_credentialCredential to use for OAuth2 client credential flow when initializing the catalog. Format: <client_id>:<client_secret>
iceberg_oauth2_scopeScope to use for OAuth2 client credential flow when initializing the catalog. Default: catalog
iceberg_oauth2_server_urlURL of the OAuth2 server tokens endpoint for the client credential flow.
iceberg_s3_endpointS3-compatible endpoint where the Iceberg tables are stored.
iceberg_s3_regionRegion of the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_access_key_idAccess key ID for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_secret_access_keySecret access key for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_session_tokenSession token for the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_role_arnARN of the IAM role to assume when accessing the S3-compatible endpoint.
iceberg_s3_role_session_nameSession name to use when assuming the IAM role.
iceberg_s3_connect_timeoutConnection timeout in seconds for the S3-compatible endpoint. Default: 60
iceberg_sigv4_enabledEnable SigV4 (AWS Signature Version 4) authentication when connecting to the catalog. Automatically enabled if the URL in from is an AWS Glue catalog. Default: false
iceberg_signing_regionRegion to use for SigV4 authentication. Extracted from the URL in from if not specified.
iceberg_signing_nameService name to use for SigV4 authentication. Default: glue.
