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SQLite Data Accelerator

To use SQLite as Data Accelerator, specify sqlite as the engine for acceleration.

- from:
name: my_dataset
engine: sqlite


The connection to SQLite can be configured by providing the following params:

  • sqlite_file: The filename for the file to back the SQLite database. Only applies if mode is file.
  • busy_timeout: Optional. Specifies the duration for the SQLite busy timeout when connecting to the database file. Default: 5000 ms.

Configuration params are provided in the acceleration section of a dataset. Other common acceleration fields can be configured for sqlite, see see datasets.

- from:
name: my_dataset
engine: sqlite
mode: file
sqlite_file: /my/chosen/location/sqlite.db
  • The SQLite accelerator doesn't support arrow Interval types, as SQLite doesn't have a native interval type.
  • The SQLite accelerator only supports arrow List types of primitive data types; lists with structs are not supported.
  • The SQLite accelerator doesn't support Dictionary or Map types.
  • SQLite may not be suitable for high row count use cases with complex join queries. Use DuckDB instead.
  • The SQLite accelerator doesn't support advanced grouping features such as ROLLUP and GROUPING.
  • In SQLite, CAST(value AS DECIMAL) doesn't convert an integer to a floating-point value if the casted value is an integer. Operations like CAST(1 AS DECIMAL) / CAST(2 AS DECIMAL) will be treated as integer division, resulting in 0 instead of the expected 0.5. Use FLOAT to ensure conversion to a floating-point value: CAST(1 AS FLOAT) / CAST(2 AS FLOAT).
  • Updating a dataset with SQLite acceleration while the Spice Runtime is running (hot-reload) will cause SQLite accelerator query federation to disable until the Runtime is restarted.
Memory Considerations

When accelerating a dataset using mode: memory (the default), some or all of the dataset is loaded into memory. Ensure sufficient memory is available, including overhead for queries and the runtime, especially with concurrent queries.

In-memory limitations can be mitigated by storing acceleration data on disk, which is supported by duckdb and sqlite accelerators by specifying mode: file.
