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SharePoint Data Connector

The SharePoint Data Connector enables federated SQL queries on documents stored in SharePoint.

- from: sharepoint:drive:Documents/path:/top_secrets/
name: important_documents
sharepoint_client_id: ${secrets:SPICE_SHAREPOINT_CLIENT_ID}
sharepoint_tenant_id: ${secrets:SPICE_SHAREPOINT_TENANT_ID}
sharepoint_client_secret: ${secrets:SPICE_SHAREPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET}


SELECT * FROM important_documents limit 1


"created_by_id": "cbccd193-f9f1-4603-b01d-ff6f3e6f2108",
"created_by_name": "Jack Eadie",
"created_at": "2024-09-09T04:57:00",
"c_tag": "\"c:{BD4D130F-2C95-4E59-9F93-85BD0A9E1B19},1\"",
"e_tag": "\"{BD4D130F-2C95-4E59-9F93-85BD0A9E1B19},1\"",
"last_modified_by_id": "cbccd193-f9f1-4603-b01d-ff6f3e6f2108",
"last_modified_by_name": "Jack Eadie",
"last_modified_at": "2024-09-09T04:57:00",
"name": "",
"size": 959,
"web_url": "",
"content": "# Module ngx_google_perftools_module\n\nThe `ngx_google_perftools_module` module (0.6.29) enables profiling of nginx worker processes using [Google Performance Tools]( The module is intended for nginx developers.\n\nThis module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the `--with-google_perftools_module` configuration parameter.\n\n> **Note:** This module requires the [gperftools]( library.\n\n## Example Configuration\n\n```nginx\ngoogle_perftools_profiles /path/to/profile;\n```\n\nProfiles will be stored as `/path/to/profile.<worker_pid>`.\n\n## Directives\n\n### google_perftools_profiles\n\n- **Syntax:** `google_perftools_profiles file;`\n- **Default:** —\n- **Context:** `main`\n\nSets a file name that keeps profiling information of nginx worker process. The ID of the worker process is always a part of the file name and is appended to the end of the file name, after a dot.\n"

The sharepoint connector does not yet support creating a dataset from a single file (e.g. an Excel spreadsheet). Datasets must be created from a folder of documents (see Document Support).



sharepoint_client_idYesThe client ID of the Azure AD (Entra) application
sharepoint_tenant_idYesThe tenant ID of the Azure AD (Entra) application.
sharepoint_client_secretOptionalFor service principal authentication. The client secret of the Azure AD (Entra) application.
sharepoint_bearer_tokenOptionalFor user authentication. The bearer access token obtained from the OAuth2 flow (see spice login sharepoint docs).

Only one of sharepoint_client_secret or sharepoint_bearer_token is allowed.

from formats​

The from field in a SharePoint dataset takes the following format:

from: 'sharepoint:<drive_type>:<drive_id>/<subpath_type>:<subpath_value>'


drive_type in a SharePoint Connector from field supports the following types:

Drive TypeDescriptionExample
driveThe SharePoint drive's namefrom: sharepoint:drive:Documents/...
driveIdThe SharePoint drive's IDfrom: sharepoint:driveId:b!Mh8opUGD80ec7zGXgX9r/...
siteA SharePoint site's namefrom: sharepoint:site:MySite/...
siteIdA SharePoint site's IDfrom: sharepoint:siteId:b!Mh8opUGD80ec7zGXgX9r/...
groupA SharePoint group's namefrom: sharepoint:group:MyGroup/...
groupIdA SharePoint group's IDfrom: sharepoint:groupId:b!Mh8opUGD80ec7zGXgX9r/...
meA user's OneDrivefrom: sharepoint:me/...

For the me drive type the user is identified based on sharepoint_client_code and cannot be used with sharepoint_client_secret

For a name-based drive_id, the connector will attempt to resolve the name to an ID at startup.


Within a drive, the SharePoint connector can load documents from:

The root of the drivefrom: sharepoint:me/root
A specific path within the drivefrom: sharepoint:drive:Documents/path:/top_secrets
A specific folder IDfrom: sharepoint:group:MyGroup/id:01QM2NJSNHBISUGQ52P5AJQ3CBNOXDMVNT


As outlined in the connector parameters, the SharePoint connector supports two types of authentication:

  1. Service principal authentication, by setting the sharepoint_client_secret parameter.
  2. User authentication, by setting the sharepoint_bearer_token parameter. Generally this is obtained by running spice login sharepoint and following the OAuth2 flow.

Creating an Enterprise Application​

To use the SharePoint connector with service principal authentication, you will need to create an Azure AD application and grant it the necessary permissions. This will also support OAuth2 authentication for users within the tenant (i.e. sharepoint_bearer_token).

  1. Create a new Azure AD application in the Azure portal.
  2. Under the application's API permissions, add the following permissions: Sites.Read.All, Files.Read.All, User.Read, GroupMember.Read.All
    • For service principal authentication, Application permissions are required.
    • For user authentication, only delegated permissions are required.
  3. (For user authentication): Under the applications's Authentication, add http://localhost as Mobile and desktop applications redirect URI.
  4. Add sharepoint_client_id (from the Application (Client) ID field) and sharepoint_tenant_id to the connector configuration.
  5. (For service principal authentication): Under the application's Certificates & secrets, create a new client secret. Use this for the sharepoint_client_secret parameter.

Default Spice Application​

For your convenience, Spice AI maintains a default Entra (Azure AD) application that can be used for authentication against your SharePoint instance. This application requires OAuth2 authentication. To use it:

- from: sharepoint:me/root # Set the drive and subpath as needed.
name: my_data
sharepoint_client_id: f2b3116e-b4c4-464f-80ec-73cd9d9886b4
sharepoint_tenant_id: #${env:TENANT_ID}
sharepoint_bearer_token: ${secrets:SPICE_SHAREPOINT_BEARER_TOKEN}


spice login sharepoint --tenant-id $TENANT_ID --client-id f2b3116e-b4c4-464f-80ec-73cd9d9886b4


Spice integrates with multiple secret stores to help manage sensitive data securely. For detailed information on supported secret stores, refer to the secret stores documentation. Additionally, learn how to use referenced secrets in component parameters by visiting the using referenced secrets guide.
