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Installation options for OSS

For deployment options, such as to Kubernetes, see Deployment.

Install Script​

curl | /bin/bash


brew install spiceai/spiceai/spice

Direct Download​

Binaries for Linux, Windows, and macOS are available for download from GitHub at

Building Spice from Source​

Build prerequisites​

  1. If you don't already have it installed, install Homebrew:
# Note: Be sure to follow the steps in the Homebrew installation output to add Homebrew to your PATH.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install the Xcode Command Line tools
xcode-select --install
  1. Install dependencies
brew install rust
brew install go
brew install cmake
brew install protobuf

Build Spice OSS​

# Clone SpiceAI OSS Repo
git clone
cd spiceai

# Build and install OSS project in release mode
make install

# Build and install OSS project in dev mode
make install-dev

# Build and install OSS project with models
make install-with-models

# Also you can specify specific features
SPICED_CUSTOM_FEATURES="postgres sqlite" make install

# Run the following to temporarily add spice to your PATH.
# Add it to the end of your .bashrc or .zshrc to permanently add spice to your PATH.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.spice/bin"

Build with Hardware Acceleration​

Spice OSS supports running both local language models and embedding models on dedicated hardware. This is for models from either Huggingface or models located locally.

The Spice CLI will automatically detect and download the appropriate runtime binary with hardware acceleration if available.

CUDA Support​


  1. GPUs with Cuda compute capabilities < 7.5 are not supported (V100, Titan V, GTX 1000 series, ...).
  2. Ensure both Cuda and associated Nvidia drivers are installed. Requires CUDA version 12.2 or higher
  3. Ensure Nvidia binaries are in your path:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda/bin
  1. Build Spice OSS with CUDA support:
make install-with-models-cuda

This ensures CUDA devices are selected on model load, and CUDA-specifiy kernels used when possible.

Metal Support​


  1. Ensure you have Xcode installed.
xcode-select --install
  1. Build Spice OSS with Metal support:
make install-with-models-metal

Similarily, this ensures Metal devices are selected on model load, and Metal-specific kernels used when possible.