Spice.ai OSS Reference Docs
🗃️ Spicepod specification
6 items
🗃️ SQL Reference
6 items
🗃️ Data Types Reference
2 items
📄️ Report
Spice AI graded Large-Language-Model (LLM) evaluation report
📄️ Task History
The Spice runtime stores information about completed tasks in the spice.runtime.task_history table. A task is a single unit of execution within the runtime, such as a SQL query or an AI chat completion (see Task Types below). Tasks can be nested, and the runtime will record the parent-child relationship between tasks.
📄️ Duration
Durations are represented as integers with a time unit suffix.
📄️ Timestamps
In Spice all timestamps are represented as an integer value denoting the number of seconds that have passed since the Unix epoch in UTC time. The Unix epoch is defined as 1970-01-01T0000Z.
📄️ File Formats
Spice currently supports CSV and Parquet data file-formats for data connectors that can read files from a file system or cloud object storage (i.e. s3//, file://, etc.). Support for Iceberg and other file-formats are on the roadmap.