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Troubleshooting Spice

Spice provides a number of methods to support debugging Runtime operations, including capturing verbose logs and reviewing task history in SQL queries or AI completions.

Verbose Logging​

Running spiced with --verbose produces immediate debug logs for diagnosing issues in real time. Running spiced with --very-verbose captures trace logs, which are useful for examining function outputs and other low-level details. The verbosity flags are also available for spice run, providing consistent behavior during local testing or production operation.

Example --verbose output:

2025-02-07T00:24:46.590576Z DEBUG runtime::secrets: Found secret replacement: Store name: secrets, Key: OPENAI_KEY, Span: 0..21
2025-02-07T00:24:46.592381Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh: Starting scheduled refresh
2025-02-07T00:24:46.592664Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loading data for dataset runtime.task_history
2025-02-07T00:24:46.592844Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table: [retention] Evicting data for runtime.task_history where start_time < 2025-02-06T16:24:46+00:00...
2025-02-07T00:24:46.592859Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table: [retention] Expr BinaryExpr(BinaryExpr { left: Cast(Cast { expr: Column(Column { relation: None, name: "start_time" }), data_type: Timestamp(Nanosecond, None) }), op: Lt, right: Literal(TimestampNanosecond(1738859086592808104, None)) })
2025-02-07T00:24:46.595460Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loaded 0 rows for dataset runtime.task_history in 2ms.
2025-02-07T00:24:46.595591Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task_runner: Refresh task successfully completed for dataset runtime.task_history
2025-02-07T00:24:46.595623Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh: Received refresh task completion callback: Ok(())
2025-02-07T00:24:46.599033Z DEBUG runtime::model::wrapper: Ignoring unknown default key: api_key
2025-02-07T00:24:46.599526Z DEBUG runtime::embeddings::table: Column 'content' does not have needed embeddings in base table. Will augment with model xl_embed.
2025-02-07T00:24:46.601038Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table: [retention] Evicted 0 records for runtime.task_history
2025-02-07T00:24:46.790058Z DEBUG runtime::datafusion: Creating accelerated table Dataset { <... dataset configuration ...> }
2025-02-07T00:24:46.869373Z INFO runtime::init::dataset: Dataset emails registered (*****), acceleration (duckdb), results cache enabled.
2025-02-07T00:24:46.870623Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh: Starting scheduled refresh
2025-02-07T00:24:46.870857Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loading data for dataset emails
2025-02-07T00:24:49.087869Z INFO runtime::init::model: Model [openai] deployed, ready for inferencing
2025-02-07T00:24:52.196121Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loaded 10 rows (1.77 MiB) for dataset emails in 5s 325ms.
2025-02-07T00:24:52.196303Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task_runner: Refresh task successfully completed for dataset emails
2025-02-07T00:24:52.196344Z DEBUG runtime::accelerated_table::refresh: Received refresh task completion callback: Ok(())

Example --very-verbose output:

2025-02-07T00:26:16.153386Z TRACE runtime::embeddings::table: For `EmbeddingTable`, additional embedding columns to compute: ["content"]
2025-02-07T00:26:16.433905Z TRACE runtime::embeddings::execution_plan: Of embedding columns: ["content"], only need to create embeddings for columns: ["content"]
2025-02-07T00:26:16.433990Z TRACE runtime::embeddings::execution_plan: Embedding column 'content' with model xl_embed
2025-02-07T00:26:16.434713Z DEBUG datafusion_table_providers::duckdb::write: Deleting all data from table.
2025-02-07T00:26:18.368600Z DEBUG hyper_util::client::legacy::pool: reuse idle connection for ("https",
2025-02-07T00:26:18.369335Z DEBUG hyper_util::client::legacy::pool: pooling idle connection for ("https",
2025-02-07T00:26:18.369652Z INFO runtime::init::model: Model [openai] deployed, ready for inferencing
2025-02-07T00:26:21.311004Z DEBUG hyper_util::client::legacy::pool: pooling idle connection for ("https",
2025-02-07T00:26:21.426867Z TRACE runtime::embeddings::execution_plan: Successfully embedded column 'content' with chunking
2025-02-07T00:26:21.426981Z TRACE runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: [refresh] Received 10 rows for dataset: emails

For more information, view the tracing documentation

Use spice trace for task tracing​

Use the spice trace ai_chat command to inspect processes involved in generating AI chat responses. The spice trace command supports tracing any task type, like spice trace sql_query:

[d06e1fb508e009eb] (    1.84ms) sql_query

This step is helpful for reviewing any tool usage or tasks invoked during AI completions, providing more information on the steps an AI took to arrive at a result.

For example, running a chat using the taxi_trips dataset:

Using model: openai
chat> When was the last taxi trip completed?
The last taxi trip was completed on January 12, 2024, at 12:49:45 PM.

Time: 4.24s (first token 3.85s). Tokens: 826. Prompt: 793. Completion: 33 (85.50/s).

To inspect the last chat, run spice trace ai_chat, producing an AI chat trace output:

[8153c6563c7f9d88] ( 4234.38ms) ai_chat 
├── [8656eaacb6c7a57d] ( 0.13ms) tool_use::list_datasets
├── [3873d8257d8ea30c] ( 4233.47ms) ai_completion
├── [02f2def1712f1473] ( 1.11ms) tool_use::sql
│ └── [1e4e5f4e79e74e5e] ( 0.91ms) sql_query
├── [8d1db4d4db80c021] ( 3185.46ms) ai_completion
├── [0c7b421812ca8180] ( 0.17ms) tool_use::table_schema
├── [a49553aca9f19384] ( 2166.24ms) ai_completion
├── [ec69ce81b3d71b1a] ( 3.38ms) tool_use::sql
│ └── [24769e9b068656ed] ( 3.33ms) sql_query
└── [6ff16c04ecf6f6ff] ( 961.39ms) ai_completion

In this example, the trace logs show that the model attempted an SQL query twice - getting the first query incorrect, due to a syntax issue in the SQL the model generated. Before running the second query, it retrieved the table schema - which it used for the second query to successfully retrieve the last taxi trip time.

For more information, view the spice trace documentation.

Reviewing the Task History​

Query the task_history table to review completed tasks handled by the Runtime. Results in this table can include tasks for accelerator refresh, SQL queries, text embedding, AI calls, and more. Reviewing this table can provide information on SQL query issues or other processes that may produce errors.

Example task_history query:

select start_time, end_time, task, captured_output, error_message from runtime.task_history;

The task_history table also includes start and end times, including execution duration and any error messages during the operation. An example task_history output with a failed SQL query:

| start_time | end_time | task | captured_output | error_message |
| 2025-02-07T00:29:13.429351004 | 2025-02-07T00:29:13.432404760 | accelerated_refresh | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:29:13.429022167 | 2025-02-07T00:29:13.432472389 | accelerated_refresh | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:29:19.313382657 | 2025-02-07T00:29:19.313648021 | sql_query | | Error during planning: table 'spice.public.not_a_table' not found |

For more information, view the task history documentation

Logging Additional Captured Output​

Set runtime.task_history.captured_output to truncated to store summarized SQL query information in the captured_output task_history column. Enable captured output by running spiced with --set-runtime task_history.captured_output=truncated or adjusting the Spicepod parameter runtime.task_history.captured_output.

Example Spicepod excerpt:

captured_output: truncated

Example captured output:

| start_time | end_time | task | captured_output | error_message |
| 2025-02-07T00:17:41.999469156 | 2025-02-07T00:17:42.002922183 | accelerated_refresh | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:17:42.007874330 | 2025-02-07T00:17:44.512541448 | health | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:17:44.510484956 | 2025-02-07T00:17:48.889947970 | text_embed | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:17:42.278785968 | 2025-02-07T00:17:48.913729643 | accelerated_refresh | | |
| 2025-02-07T00:17:54.717312222 | 2025-02-07T00:17:54.728507220 | sql_query | [{"subject":"Hello, world!"}] | |

SQL Explain Plans​

Spice supports generating EXPLAIN plans, which can be used to debug SQL that may not be producing the correct result. An explain plan in Spice can provide information about the data sources the SQL will be executed against, including the re-written SQL that will be executed against that data source (if applicable). For example, an explain plan could be used to debug the SQL that is generated and executed against separate federated sources during an SQL query which joins their results (like a PostgreSQL database and a MySQL database).

Generate an explain plan by adding the EXPLAIN keyword before the query:

explain select * from taxi_trips
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | BytesProcessedNode |
| | Federated |
| | Projection: taxi_trips.VendorID, taxi_trips.tpep_pickup_datetime, taxi_trips.tpep_dropoff_datetime, taxi_trips.passenger_count, taxi_trips.trip_distance, taxi_trips.RatecodeID, taxi_trips.store_and_fwd_flag, taxi_trips.PULocationID, taxi_trips.DOLocationID, taxi_trips.payment_type, taxi_trips.fare_amount, taxi_trips.extra, taxi_trips.mta_tax, taxi_trips.tip_amount, taxi_trips.tolls_amount, taxi_trips.improvement_surcharge, taxi_trips.total_amount, taxi_trips.congestion_surcharge, taxi_trips.Airport_fee |
| | TableScan: taxi_trips projection=[VendorID, tpep_pickup_datetime, tpep_dropoff_datetime, passenger_count, trip_distance, RatecodeID, store_and_fwd_flag, PULocationID, DOLocationID, payment_type, fare_amount, extra, mta_tax, tip_amount, tolls_amount, improvement_surcharge, total_amount, congestion_surcharge, Airport_fee] |
| physical_plan | BytesProcessedExec |
| | SchemaCastScanExec |
| | VirtualExecutionPlan name=duckdb compute_context=:memory: sql=SELECT taxi_trips.VendorID, taxi_trips.tpep_pickup_datetime, taxi_trips.tpep_dropoff_datetime, taxi_trips.passenger_count, taxi_trips.trip_distance, taxi_trips.RatecodeID, taxi_trips.store_and_fwd_flag, taxi_trips.PULocationID, taxi_trips.DOLocationID, taxi_trips.payment_type, taxi_trips.fare_amount, taxi_trips.extra, taxi_trips.mta_tax, taxi_trips.tip_amount, taxi_trips.tolls_amount, taxi_trips.improvement_surcharge, taxi_trips.total_amount, taxi_trips.congestion_surcharge, taxi_trips.Airport_fee FROM taxi_trips rewritten_sql=SELECT "taxi_trips"."VendorID", "taxi_trips"."tpep_pickup_datetime", "taxi_trips"."tpep_dropoff_datetime", "taxi_trips"."passenger_count", "taxi_trips"."trip_distance", "taxi_trips"."RatecodeID", "taxi_trips"."store_and_fwd_flag", "taxi_trips"."PULocationID", "taxi_trips"."DOLocationID", "taxi_trips"."payment_type", "taxi_trips"."fare_amount", "taxi_trips"."extra", "taxi_trips"."mta_tax", "taxi_trips"."tip_amount", "taxi_trips"."tolls_amount", "taxi_trips"."improvement_surcharge", "taxi_trips"."total_amount", "taxi_trips"."congestion_surcharge", "taxi_trips"."Airport_fee" FROM "taxi_trips" |
| | |