Federated Queries
Spice supports federated queries, enabling you to join and combine data from multiple sources, including databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL), data warehouses (Databricks, Snowflake, BigQuery), and data lakes (S3, MinIO). For a full list of supported sources, see Data Connectors.
Getting Started​
To start using federated queries in Spice, follow these steps:
Step 1. Install Spice by following the installation instructions.
Step 2. Clone the Spice Cookbook repository and navigate to the federation
git clone https://github.com/spiceai/cookbook.git
cd cookbook/federation
Step 3. Login to the demo Dremio.
spice login dremio -u demo -p demo1234
Step 4. Create a new Spice app called demo
# Create Spice app "demo"
spice init demo
# Change to demo directory.
cd demo
Step 5. Add the spiceai/fed-demo
# Change to demo directory.
cd demo
spice add spiceai/fed-demo
Note in the Spice runtime output several datasets are loaded.
Step 6. Start the Spice runtime.
spice run
Step 7. Show available tables and query them, regardless of source.
# Start the Spice SQL REPL.
spice sql
Show the available tables:
show tables;
Execute the queries:
-- Query S3 (Parquet)
FROM s3_source LIMIT 10;
-- Query S3 (Parquet) accelerated
FROM s3_source_accelerated LIMIT 10;
-- Query Dremio
FROM dremio_source LIMIT 10;
-- Query Dremio accelerated
FROM dremio_source_accelerated LIMIT 10;
Step 8. Join tables across remote sources and locally accelerated source
-- Query across S3 and Dremio
WITH all_sales AS (
SELECT sales FROM s3_source
select fare_amount+tip_amount as sales from dremio_source
SELECT SUM(sales) as total_sales,
COUNT(*) AS total_transactions,
MAX(sales) AS max_sale,
AVG(sales) AS avg_sale
FROM all_sales;
| total_sales | total_transactions | max_sale | avg_sale |
| 11501140.079999998 | 102823 | 14082.8 | 111.85376890384445 |
Time: 1.079320792 seconds. 1 rows.
Step 9. Join tables across locally accelerated sources and query
-- Query across S3 accelerated and Dremio accelerated
WITH all_sales AS (
SELECT sales FROM s3_source_accelerated
select fare_amount+tip_amount as sales from dremio_source_accelerated
SELECT SUM(sales) as total_sales,
COUNT(*) AS total_transactions,
MAX(sales) AS max_sale,
AVG(sales) AS avg_sale
FROM all_sales;
| total_sales | total_transactions | max_sale | avg_sale |
| 11501140.08 | 102823 | 14082.8 | 111.85376890384447 |
Time: 0.011524375 seconds. 1 rows.
While the query in step 8 successfully returned results from federated remote data sources, the performance was suboptimal due to data transfer overhead.
To improve query performance, step 9 demonstrates the same query executed against locally materialized and accelerated datasets using Data Accelerators, resulting in significant performance gains.
- Query Performance: Without acceleration, federated queries will be slower than local queries due to network latency and data transfer.
- Query Capabilities: Not all SQL features and data types are supported across all data sources. More complex data type queries may not work as expected.